
I would like first, to pay tribute to the presidents who preceded me and who made our society a dynamic one, among the most agile and have established remarkable financial health that enables us to support our chapters and our members through many initiatives.

It is with great pride that I begin my term as President of our Society. I am aware of the heavy responsibility I will have, and I am sure that I can count on a collaborative spirit with all the colleagues from the ExCom and the BoG as well as the active support of our members... Read More


November 23, 2023 to November 25, 2023
ICECS 2023
October 10, 2023 to October 21, 2023
ISCAS 2023

Event Calendar

August 8, 2023 to August 12, 2023
IFETC 2023
August 9, 2023 to August 12, 2023
起点加速器官方网站 to August 13, 2023